
Showing posts with the label flushing

A Health Update

I figured I would add a short health update here this evening.   I'm still waiting on some of the results from the bone marrow biopsy to come back but I think most of the results have come back at this point.  One pathology report is actually hidden from me and has been hidden from me for the past week which likely means there is something in that particular report that needs to be discussed (ie, not the best of news).  I meet with my oncologist again in three weeks, I think...  maybe in two weeks.  For some reason, the 18th of April is standing out in my mind though so it is probably in three weeks.  Naturally, until I meet with my oncologist, I will have no definitive answers.  Actually, I still may not get any definitive answers when I meet with her since we're (well, really our health professionals) still learning about this crappy illness.   That being said, there are some concerning test results that have come back since my biopsy....

Aborting a Medical Procedure

Two of my doctors have been advising me and even pressuring me to get a colonoscopy for quite some time. I attempted this a few years ago but, after discussing my health issues with the doctor who would be doing the procedure, we decided the risk was too high so we didn't even attempt it.  Now, I have a new mast cell specialist and he had referred me to a doctor to give a colonoscopy another shot. I was scheduled for late this afternoon.   In the meantime while waiting for this appointment date to arrive, I had another visit with my mast cell specialist. We briefly discussed how to manage my medications in the week leading up to the colonoscopy and we had a tentative plan in place. To be honest, I wasn't too optimistic about my health holding up through this procedure but I agreed to give it a try. The last thing I want to do is come across as non-compliant because I do need continued treatment. That being said, I also emphatically told Sheila that if this procedure was...

Weather Far Too Warm For My Health

We just exited a long, frigid winter with more snow than usual. I didn't expect all the huge piles of snow and ice to melt until a little later than usual since we had so much snow and because it had been so frigid cold. Not only is all the snow gone but we have already planted seeds for our wildflower gardens... a few weeks earlier than usual... and the temperatures are far above normal which clearly contributed to melting all this snow and ice so quickly this spring.  Considering the extreme temperatures we've been experiencing and how quickly all this winter's snow has melted, I'm expecting a brutally hot summer this year. We are already experiencing higher than average temperatures and that is taking a toll on my health, unfortunately, but not surprisingly. Since developing Systemic Mastocytosis, warmer than average environments have been problematic. I have difficulty breathing, I struggle with weakness, and my overwhelming fatigue becomes far more overwhelming...

Poor Health Again Tonight

I am on a roll... or tumble... and the hill I am tumbling down seems to be much bigger than I had originally thought. My health began its roll down this hill a few weeks ago and it just continues to tumble downhill. I slept for about four hours this afternoon and felt pretty good when I awoke. I honestly thought it would be a night of good health and feeling well. Within a half hour things started to deteriorate and things deteriorated rather quickly. First was the nausea... In hindsight, I should have taken this as a sign of impending doom. To make a long story short, I didn't realize that my health had crashed into brief anaphylaxis until my body responded naturally. I had missed all the signs. My body responding naturally to anaphylaxis is a good thing though! It isn't something I like to or should test but it is a good thing! Sometimes, either I am not thinking clearly enough to catch these signs... or, I am feeling so well that impending doom with my health seems so ...

Great Weather, for a change... Lousy Health, as usual

We finally managed to see some sunshine today! This is something we have not seen here in Waterbury in such a long time that I felt as though I was in a foreign land on a foreign planet! Seeing sunshine and deep blue skies hasn't occurred in so long that it truly appeared as strange as a mint green sky.  It was a perfect day to finally get a few projects accomplished outdoors. Unfortunately, my health was not cooperating so I stayed indoors and tried to recover. My health started heading south late last night after a very filling dinner. I certainly know better than to eat too much (this is one of my triggers for anaphylaxis and gastro-instestinal issues too disgusting to describe here) but dinner was a delicious prime rib and I could not help myself. Nausea set in... some bad cramping... a number of visits to the bathroom... a gurgling stomach all night long... anti-nausea medications were necessary as were extra H2 blockers to help stabilize my health before I crashed into ana...

Hoping for Rest and Recovery

As I had already written previously, I had a very rough night with poor health last night.  I didn't get to bed until 4am...  and then I was up and in the bathroom again at around 8:30am.   I was hoping I could sleep away most of the day and, if luck would have it, I would recover a bit while I was getting some much-needed rest.  Well, no luck today as far as my health is concerned. I ended up suffering from some more episodes of anaphylaxis, although considerably more mild than last night.  My heart-rate was in the 120-140 beats per minute range most of the day making it impossible to sleep.   I've also been very flushed, on and off, all day and all evening tonight.  That is never a good sign.  Flushing on my face, neck and shoulders typically is a precursor to failing health again. This flushing is irritating too...  It gives me a deep burning feeling and I actually look like I have a splotchy sunburn...  when it is a bad case, all...