A Health Update
I figured I would add a short health update here this evening. I'm still waiting on some of the results from the bone marrow biopsy to come back but I think most of the results have come back at this point. One pathology report is actually hidden from me and has been hidden from me for the past week which likely means there is something in that particular report that needs to be discussed (ie, not the best of news). I meet with my oncologist again in three weeks, I think... maybe in two weeks. For some reason, the 18th of April is standing out in my mind though so it is probably in three weeks. Naturally, until I meet with my oncologist, I will have no definitive answers. Actually, I still may not get any definitive answers when I meet with her since we're (well, really our health professionals) still learning about this crappy illness. That being said, there are some concerning test results that have come back since my biopsy....