Painting My Homebuilt Truss Bridge

A s with most of my projects, I had thought that painting my homebuilt truss bridge would be a quick and easy job. It hasn't been difficult but it has not be the least bit quick. This paint job is becoming a very long process. First, I primed it with a spray can or two. Then I spray painted an Anvil Gray spray paint and it was far too blue. I wouldn't even call it a gray. It really was a very dark blackish-blue and I didn't care for the color at all. Once I started spraying this color, I realized that I had been fooled by the name of this color once before when I was painting my steam locomotive. It was far too blue for that project too and ended up wasting a few days while I searched for a more appropriate color. Then I sprayed a can of something named Deep Gray. One would think this would be a gray that is into the darker shades of gray but, on the contrary, it was a rather light shade of gray. This paint also had...