Slowly Recovering from Bone Marrow Biopsy
I'm slowly but steadily recovering from my bone marrow biopsy. It seems like the biopsy was the day before yesterday but today is the fourth day of recovery. I've done a lot of sleeping when the pain would allow for some sleep. I slept about 13 hours last night so that was good. I awoke at around 5:30am but, contrary to the past few mornings, I was able to go back to sleep with no difficulty. We got up at around 9am and Sheila did some yoga and then I made a fairly big breakfast. So, I suppose I'm feeling well enough to do some cooking. Breakfast was good! I still have quite a bit of pain whenever I attempt to do anything. Bending especially is painful... sitting back against anything that puts some pressure on the site of the biopsy is even more painful... and laying on my right side is better than it has been but at least it is possible now for short periods... so things are improving. At rest when nothing i...