A Day of Sleeping
I had no problems falling asleep last night. I was dozing off by 8pm. I awoke at 4:30am this morning when I tried to roll over onto my right side. I was quickly reminded that the bone marrow biopsy was on my right side though so that woke me up suddenly.
I read in bed for a bit and then got up out of bed with Sheila when she got up for work at just before 6am. However, I was unable to keep my eyes open by 8am and slept on the couch until just before noon (on my left side, of course).
I didn't even eat anything for breakfast because I was too exhausted to make anything. I was originally planning to make some bacon and French toast because I was starving. Due to a serious lack of energy, I changed my breakfast plan to just having a bagel with cream cheese. I still didn't have the energy to make even that. Instead, I grabbed a couple pillows from the bedroom and laid down on the couch. I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow and didn't get up until almost noon.
I didn't really get much accomplished today after heating up some leftover pizza for lunch. I showered for the first time since the biopsy... that was a little painful. I pulled off the dressing before getting into the shower and there was some blood on the dressing. I can't really get a look at the biopsy site though because it is behind me on my right pelvis.
Sheila is visiting her mother in her new respite care facility. Since I found some blood on this dressing that I removed today, I'll have her re-dress the biopsy site again when she gets home sometime this evening.
I'm still moving around slowly. I'm exhausted. I can still feel pain deep inside although the shower didn't feel so great on the skin either. Sitting back on the couch or a chair is painful. Actually, any pressure is painful... walking is mildly painful... bending is more painful... it seems to be healing though because the pain is less than it was yesterday.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a little bit less painful and a little bit more productive.
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