Putting Together A Video
I 've been working on putting together a video of our total solar eclipse for a couple of days and it is in its final edit stage now. The most time-consuming thing was actually viewing each and every video clip in its entirety. Once I did that, then I needed to decide how much of each clip to use, where to use it in the video, and whether it should be viewed in real-time, slow motion or fast speed like a time-lapse. Since this eclipse was a rather long event... well, things happened quickly but the entire event was pretty close to a half day long, a full day if you include set up and tear down... I knew that most of the clips would be in some multiple of fast motion. It turns out that much of the video footage in this video is at around 10x real time speed. When you speed up video, you can no longer use the embedded sound because it will just sound like Theodore, Simon and Alvin on too much caffeine. So, the answer to that is t...