Skin Cancer Follow-up
S heila and I ventured up to the University of Vermont Medical Center earlier in the past week to deal with some spots and growths on my skin. This appointment had been delayed many months because we were more focused on more severe health problems. The primary concern with my skin was a growth on my right temple (photo at right). This had been growing steadily for about a year and then it started growing more quickly throughout this past summer. It had quickly grown to a concerning size when it comes to cancer so I was definitely looking forward to having this growth taken care of one way or another. I have a history of skin cancer including a fairly large basal cell carcinoma. I also have had all sorts of stuff removed from the surface of my skin over the years. The one basal cell carcinoma I had removed in surgery was a large growth that went deeply into the flesh so that was actually a "surgery" requiring about 27 stitches to close-up the ar...