Compounding Spinal Injuries
Not a day goes by when I don't turn a certain way or lift something incorrectly or simply breath incorrectly that I am instantly slammed with spinal pain that is enough to trigger my body to involuntarily buckle at the knees. In those daily instances, I manage to catch myself before hitting the floor. This morning, I awoke with spinal pain in my lumbar spine. I got up out of bed and instantly fell to the floor, a heap of red-hot nerves in excruciating pain... wedged between the wall, the nightstand and the little step-stool to help get in and out of our rather tall bed. I've had a nasty cold... perhaps the flu, I don't know which nor do I care... for the past three weeks. I still have nasty, thick phlegm running down my throat at night so I try to sleep propped up on three pillows to keep me from choking. This helps me breath, typically, but it is terrible for my spinal injuries. Anyway, the cold is still lingering, causing p...