
Showing posts with the label brutal

Suddenly Back To Pretty Damn Brutal

I wrote previously about this past week being pretty lousy and brutal. Then, I added a quick update earlier this afternoon (maybe only an hour ago) claiming my health had improved slightly into the "mediocre" category. Suddenly, and unfortunately, things are pretty damn brutal again. I was moving something far too heavy (sarcasm...  it was really a small package of toilet paper) to under the bathroom vanity and was suddenly slammed with intense spinal pain that instantly put me on the floor of the bathroom. I was just a heap of tangled, inflamed nerves stuck on the floor... and I couldn't get up!  As I laid there, contemplating whether to call out to Sheila for help, I eventually caught my breath and managed to get up and make my way to the living room where Sheila instantly noticed something was not right.  Now, my weekend has suddenly moved into the brutal stage... again... as I lay here on the couch icing my spine. 

Health Update

Plain and simple, this past week has been brutal. Whenever we have a busy weekend of activities, it affects my health for the next week... or month. Last weekend was exceptionally busy from Friday through Sunday. We had squeezed in about three activities and three different places each day... I skipped my daily two hour naps... I was on my feet throughout most of the weekend... and we were on the go all the time. This is a recipe for a long bout of miserable health in my foreseeable future. In preparation of the long, busy weekend, I rested up in the days leading up to the weekend (longer naps each day and did virtually nothing each day in an effort to preserve energy). I also squeezed in more medications in the days leading up to the weekend as well as all through the three day weekend. I can get away with this particular plan of attack if I don't do it too often. It allows for fairly decent health for a few days but there is a price to pay... the price is exceptionally...

This Week Becomes Brutal

This has been a very looonnnnnnggggggg week. I feel as though two weeks have passed in the span of this past week! My health has been quite lousy all week but last night it turned to a rather brutal and painful stage. Of course, pain is always present, even on relatively good days, but there are far too many periods of worsened pain. This is one of those times.  Whenever my mast cells pick some area of my body to "attack" due to Systemic Mastocytosis, they degranulate and release many mediators. These mediators cause all sorts of problems in varying combinations... anaphylaxis, hindering effective bodily function, breathing difficulty, nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, difficulty with neurological systems, skin rashes, flushing, hives, itching, etc... and some of these mediators cause nerves to inflame and become very irritated which causes even more pain at a brutal level. So, each time I have a mass degranulation of mast cells as they indiscriminately attack a particu...