Full Length Train Show Video
When we went to the Amherst Railway Society's train show this past January, I had planned to shoot a lot of photos and a lot of video. We had nobody there with us this year so there was very little socializing to do. Well... there was indeed some socializing done in the hotel bar at night but there was very little socializing at the show. I figured I had time and energy for both photos and video at the show. I always shoot a lot of photos but, since there would be very little socializing time, I decided to focus on getting enough video clips to put together a loonnngggg video of the various operating model railroads at the show. Sheila, at the show Most of my photography gear is rather lightweight now. I traded in some older, heavier gear for newer, lighter and better gear. This year I walked around with one little camera body set up for video and another relatively small camera body set up for still photos. Then I had an extra lens and a bunch of batteries. It was p...