
Showing posts from February 16, 2014

A Beautiful Diversion

I have been in the process of descriptively writing about some early morning kayaking I have done while at Lake Groton. It should be a really nice piece when I finally finish it. Because of that project, I have been skimming through my hard drives searching for the best photos I have shot from my kayak while the sun is rising and slowly burning off all the early morning fog. Occasionally, I come across an unrelated photo which captures my attention. This photo here was one such photo and understandingly diverted me from my original project. I'm sure that those of you from Waterbury recognize this cluttered but blurry background as  The Alchemist Pub & Brewery.  This photo was shot in May, 2011  before Tropical Storm Irene destroyed all of downtown Waterbury including this popular gathering place by submerging and swallowing our entire community and spitting out nothing but destruction, mold, mildew and tons upon tons of stinky, oil and sewage laden mud. My camer...

An Evening in Burlington

This past weekend, we managed to get out for an afternoon and evening on the town in Burlington. It had been about nine weeks since we last had an opportunity to get out with some friends and that is far too long! All in all, we had a great time with Frank and Christine. We met at Vermont Pub & Brewery which has always been one of our favorite spots to visit. Unfortunately, the service absolutely sucked but the food, the drinks, and especially the company were exceptional. Not only was the bartending quite lousy because it was extremely difficult to get each round of drinks, but one bartender got a bit arrogant with us seemingly simply because we wanted to order another round of drinks and some food. Idiot.  What is really odd is that there were four people behind the bar and the bar wasn't even what I would consider "crowded". Additionally, we were seated at the bar yet we still had to struggle to get a bartender's attention for each round of drinks and foo...

Running on Empty

Like most days, I had a plan for this morning.  It was an extremely simple plan, but I had a plan...  1.  Get up out of bed as soon as possible... 2.  Take my cocktail of morning medications... 3.  Start a load of laundry... 4.  Shower and shave... 5.  Get dressed... 6.  Eat something small so I don't stress my body unnecessarily and run out of energy any sooner than my health dictates... 7. Start the car and clean off the snow (Sheila cleaned off the snow this morning before heading to work so my car was good to go)... 8.  Drive to town to pick up a refill prescription (took the last pill last night)... 9.  If I still have more energy, then try to tackle a small project in the house (I still need to finish that fireplace project)... Well...  I only managed to get to number five, "Get Dressed", before running completely out of energy.  So, here I sit, completely spent for the day simply by getting out of bed...