
Showing posts with the label worker's comp

The Likely Cause of Ankle Problem

Sheila and I were discussing something about Worker's Compensation over lunch the other day and I suddenly remembered the one time I attempted to file a Worker's Comp claim a few decades ago.  The reason for me filing a Worker's Comp claim as well as memories of this painful incident also came flooding back to me in an instant.   In hindsight, this Worker's Comp incident is the likely cause to my occasionally recurring ankle problems.  I only experience this problem when I do something careless with my ankle about once every four years or so but I've always wondered about its cause.  I've always just chalked it up to having a physically demanding career and being active in a lot of different sports.  Having been reminded of this incident while actually in an exceptionally painful recurring flareup, however, it all makes a little more sense now. For a very brief period of my life (a short period I would choose to forget for far too many reasons to get into h...