A Quick Update on Bathroom Project
It is snowy outside this morning so the conditions are not ideal for pulling shop tools out of the shed and into the yard so I figured I would give a quick update on how the bathroom project is coming along... For the most part, the bathroom is finished and we have been using it for a week or so now. (Finally!) I need to stain, polyurethane and install a little bit of crown molding... I need to build a small hollow beam for up at the ceiling to cover some rough plumbing... we could use a nicer wastebasket... and that is about all we still need to accomplish so we are almost completely finished. I do need to repaint the hallway outside the bathroom though. Parts of that wall took a bit of a beating while I was installing the electrical wiring, boxes and switches. I needed to spackle parts of the hallway walls so they now need some new paint. In the meantime... here are some photos of what we have as of today... (By the way, it is really, really nice having a ...