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Sheila and I were out in the yard this morning looking for signs of bear damage. Through our windows this morning, we noticed that a bear had gotten into our neighbor's garbage bins during the night and the garbage was strewn all over our next door neighbor's yard. The garbage bins were across the street but all the garbage ended up in our next door neighbor's yard. Also, as we were closing up the doors and windows before going to bed last night (so bears don't climb through our screens into the house), Sheila saw a very young fox in our yard. So, we headed outside this morning to see if the bear had attempted to get into our trash shed and to see if there were any other signs of wildlife having visited our yard last night. While I was walking around our trash shed looking for big paw-prints or new deep gouges on our trash shed (we do have some old gouges from bear claws) , I noticed a red-tailed hawk in a tree behind our house. The hawk was at...