This Year's Christmas Tree

S ometime last night, I realized that I had not yet captured any photographs of our Christmas tree and ornaments this year. I figured I should jump on that since I won't have any time between now and Christmas so, if I don't do it now, then Christmas will have passed by the time I can get to it again. We (mostly "I") feel like the tree is missing something and I actually feel the same way every year with every Christmas tree even after adding a little more to it each year but I've had difficulty figuring out what still might be missing. I'm not a fan of most types of garland and I definitely hate tinsel so I know it is not missing these things. It is possible it needs more ornaments in the way of more styles of decorative glass ornaments. Our Christmas tree will most definitely never have items/characters from movies so that is out. I'm not a fan of 'crafty' or 'country' type stuff either. Maybe I'll figure out what is missing one...