
Showing posts with the label solar imaging

Solar Astronomy Camera

I finally purchased a much needed dedicated solar astronomy camera and it arrived last night!   I've been using a sort of generic beginner astronomy camera (well...  maybe one step above entry level) meant primarily for guide scopes and planetary imaging.  There are far worse cameras than the one I've been using until now but this camera is not really an ideal choice for solar imaging.  It has been slow, difficult to use, noisy, and the image quality has been seriously lacking.  Producing good results out of this old astronomy camera has been difficult, frustrating and requiring a lot of extra post-processing.  I've had to work very hard at finessing fine detail out of the images and I've only managed to succeed at doing that because of my decades of photography experience.  I admit that I've managed to produce some nice imagery with the old camera but it has been difficult to accomplish requiring a lot of extra work and time.  Plus, much of...

Last Day of Imaging with Old Mount

A s I mentioned in a previous blog entry, last Saturday was my last day of imaging with what was, at the time, my best telescope mount (see photo, at right).  At the time, it seemed like the electronics were toast so that put an end to this last imaging session within a short few minutes.  Then I spent the next few hours trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with this mount. Even after a few days, I still had not fixed the mount because I still had no idea what could be wrong other than perhaps a piece of obsolete and no-longer-available electronics failed so I ordered a new mount.  The mount I ordered was the newer and significantly improved version of this older mount.  The advantage of purchasing the same (but improved) mount is that I wouldn't need to purchase any other associated accessories because this new mount would fit everything I already own.  It would fit every tripod, it would fit my telescope pier with no adapting necessary, and all my assoc...

Waiting on the Sun

I am all set up to do some solar imaging but I am now waiting for the sun to clear the trees.  This time of year, the sun travels very low across the sky so I only have a relatively short window of opportunity to observe or view the sun.   I plan to start with some white light observing and imaging of the sun's photosphere.  My solar wedge solar filter includes a Continuum filter as well as the usual IR/UV Cut, Neutral Density and Polarizing filters which has always worked fairly well for me.  I've observed and imaged this way before so there is nothing new with this configuration.  I plan to do something new today too though.  I now have a narrowband 3nm Calcium K filter inside a different solar wedge filter that I have yet to try so that will be part of today's plan.  This should produce nicer results.   The one "different" thing about this filter is that this Calcium K filter is not an observing filter.  Actually, my eyes should ...

Smaller Solar Filter for Smaller Telescope

Until recently, I've been using my usual photography-based cameras for my astrophotography.  I'm not going to get into details here but using those everyday cameras is not ideal for most astrophotography (it's okay for some things but not ideal for most) so I purchased two astronomy cameras.  One camera captures high speed video in color and the other camera captures high speed video in monochrome.  Capturing video provides me with many frames to stack as images in a very short period of time.  Stacking the images provides a lot of benefits including less noise, more details and cumulative exposure.  With these cameras and a fast computer, I can capture hundreds of video frames (which are images) in just a few short seconds.  And that is at 6mp.  Many low end astronomy cameras are less than HD resolution, one or two are at Full HD resolution and my cameras happen to capture larger images at 6mp so I'm happy with that too.     I have two ...

A Short Solar Astronomy Session

When I got out of bed yesterday morning, the sun was shining brightly!  I can't remember the last time we've seen the sun...  maybe someplace out west last month during our train trip? So, after taking a bunch of medications that I need to take every morning, I started collecting solar astronomy gear to bring out to the deck.  The days and nights that are suitable for astronomy in our neck of the woods are severely limited so I need to take advantage of every available moment if my health allows.  Fortunately, yesterday morning I was feeling well enough to do an hour or two of solar astronomy.  At the very least, I knew that a short burst of adrenaline would carry my flu-ridden body for an hour or two! I had planned to set up the telescope on the deck so I could stay out of the snow and mud but, unfortunately, the sun is still too low in the sky way up here in the north.  When I stepped up on the deck by the time I started moving gear outdoors, the sun ...