Model Retaining Wall
I 'm still recovering from my last bout with COVID so let me mention this continually lingering illness so nobody mistakes no news for good news. My breathing is quite lousy... I'm constantly trying to cough up the thickest of thick mucus... I'm having difficulty breathing when laying down which makes getting some much needed sleep more difficult... I have extremely painful joints... and I'm generally feeling quite lousy. Even so, I've still been trying to accomplish something, anything, each day. The other day, I decided that I didn't like the front side of our garden railroad. I have this front section up on 4x4 stilts so it has always looked a bit weird to me. I'm planning to build a train station for this part of the railroad. First I need to figure out the best way to make a model building that is completely weatherproof. This little straight section on this low deck will also have a road crossing the two...