Oncology Additional Thoughts
As usual, through the night, I remembered more things about yesterday's oncology appointment that I forgot to mention in my previous blog entry so I should add them here in another blog entry before I forget these points again. When we were discussing the gene mutation that was found, my oncologist said something along the lines of "I don't think we need to do another bone marrow biopsy right now... I think we can wait until next year's biopsy". This comment leads me to believe that she was contemplating doing another bone marrow biopsy right away. Uggg... I would not have liked that option. I'm still reeling and recovering from this biopsy performed last month. It is still fresh enough in my mind to be a bit traumatic whenever I think about it. In the end and on the positive side, she felt there is no pressing need to repeat the biopsy right away. Then she continued this thought by referencing 'next year's biopsy' ...