
Showing posts from July 7, 2024

Flooding Again

P arts of downtown Waterbury are under water again.  There are photos of this all over Facebook but I don't want to share other people's photos on my blog so you'll need to find the photos on Facebook.  In addition to extensive property damage to homes that were damaged just last July, there are significant road closures mostly due to the roads being washed out.  Some of the road closures are to keep people out of the areas that are still under water. Below is a map of northern Vermont showing the road closures.  As you can see, there is a big concentration of road closures in Waterbury.   At the moment, the status of our barbeque scheduled for Saturday is unknown.  Liza and Whitney are both trapped with no way to get out of there immediate area.  This may change by later today or tomorrow but, for now, they cannot go anywhere. We had some water in the house at a known roof leak.  Actually, it is a leak around the furnace flue.  Every few years I need to patch it so apparen

Oven Repair

W e're having a fairly big barbeque on Saturday for all the combined summertime birthdays so all the grandchildren will be here.  As luck would have it, about a week before we are having people over to eat some food, our oven broke.  After waiting on parts to arrive and for me to squeeze in some time and effort in fixing it, we finally have a working oven again. We've been sort of neglecting the oven since COVID so it needed some work.  In order to replace this part, I had to disassemble quite a bit of the oven.  While I had the oven disassembled, I decided to give it a good cleaning too.  We can actually see through the glass door now!   This was a last minute task for today before dinner.  I was only about 30 minutes late with dinner tonight so this task wasn't too time consuming.  It was a pretty dirty and disgusting task though. Most of the day was spent programming my large scale steam locomotive.  I've spent quite a bit of time on this project!  After programming

Trestle Bridge Completed

T oday was the day for working on the big curved trestle bridge on the new garden railroad in our backyard.  I had no problem squeezing in and completing everything...  cutting wood, installing foundation blocks, assembling the bents, and then installing the bents.   The only casualty is me!  My spinal injuries are killing me...  my knees are killing me...  every few feet, I buckle in pain.  I don't hit the floor but I drop about a foot and freeze for a few seconds in excruciating pain.  Hopefully this will pass quickly. This morning, I started with installing the foundation blocks.  Honestly, this part of the install went far more quickly than I had anticipated.  Then again, I went at this very heavy handedly which wasn't my initial intention.  I completely removed a whole wheelbarrow-full of dirt and roots by the big shovelful.  Once I cleared the area under the track completely, I then installed the foundation blocks.  Once I had all the blocks where I needed them, I backfil

Garden Railroad Trackwork Complete

T oday was another productive day.  We started the day by heading to Shaw's to pick up one of my prescriptions and a few grocery bags of food to hold us over until later in the week.  Then I started collecting tools again in an attempt to finish laying all the trackwork in the garden railroad.  By dinnertime, all the trackwork was laid and I was able to smoothly push a passenger car around the layout by hand without it derailing.  This meant that the trackwork was good! I can't run my locomotive because I am still waiting on the USPS to deliver packages of parts...  packages that should have been here far too long ago.  Once these last packages arrive, then I can install the electronics into the locomotive.  I have a trolley that I plan to convert too but that project is on hold for now.  The priority is to get the big 4-6-0 steam locomotive completed so we can run it as soon as possible.   All the grandkids will be here this coming weekend so the priority is to get this up and