Roof Installed
Yesterday was a busy day. I spent the entire day, until dark, installing the new roof over the play house and the new outdoor kitchen/grilling area. It was definitely a productive day, although, it was a bit frustrating and not necessarily a "good" day. I kept dropping things especially after climbing up a ladder. Then I'd have to climb down, retrieve what I dropped, then climb back up. Then I'd drop something else and have to go down and up again. Then, I'd realize I forgot to bring a tool up with me and have to go down and up again. The valleys were two difficult areas. It has been a long time since I built a valley and I've never done it in metal roofing material so it was a bit of a challenge. I couldn't really get into position well enough to get accurate measurements. I'd end up measuring twice, sometimes three times, to see if I can get consistent results before cutting. The angles at which I was viewing the ta...