
Showing posts with the label sleep

A Lousy Couple of Weeks

T he weather has been horrendous anyway but my health has really slowed down any sort of chance of being productive over the past week and a half or so.  I think the rainy, damp, wet weather may be playing into the amount of pain I'm in all day long so I suppose it does have some bearing on my health.   My main issue is pain...  joint pain, bone pain, spinal pain.  My sprained left ankle (since January) has worsened in this damp weather so I'm limping a bit due to that.  My right knee is still a problem even though it is better than it was a month ago.  The pain in these two joints alone is enough to keep me up through the night.  I also have nagging, relentless bone pain.  My extensive spinal injuries are always worse in periods of damp, wet weather too so my spinal pain has been worse lately as well.   The pain wears me down and causes sleep issues so then there is overwhelming fatigue added into the mix as well.  I just want...

Scratched Cornea

I didn't get any sleep the night before last.  I awoke early in the night during a dream about having a throbbing scab on my eye.  When I awoke from my couple of hours of sleep, I quickly realized that the painful eye was not just in my dream.  My eye was actually throbbing in my waking life. I shouldn't really call it "throbbing" because the frequency of the throbs was much slower than you think of when you hear about throbbing pain.  It was really a ten second extremely painful period followed by about 30 seconds of very little pain.  Although a slow throb, it continued at this frequency and severity which made sleep impossible. I got up immediately when I awoke from this dream so I could check my eye.  It was all red, irritated, but I saw no obvious problems.  For a little while, I assumed that perhaps I was developing Conjunctivitis.  I washed my eye with eye wash and then used some Natural Tears.  Both of these products stung terribly....

A Miserable Night of Sleep

Last night was one of those nights when you simply cannot sleep and you end up getting up out of bed at 5:30am because you know sleeping is a lost cause.  This is exceptionally rare for me but it was my night last night. I was having a little bit of difficulty breathing last night after going to bed but I wouldn't call those breathing difficulties anything more than mild.  Needless to say, that was the start of my lack of sleeping.  I was lying there wondering, "Should I go get my inhaler and epinephrine?  Or, will this pass?"  The problem is that if I get up to retrieve my inhaler and epinephrine, that act alone will cause me to lose some sleep because I'll need to calm down again and slow my heartrate down again in order to have any chance of falling asleep.  If I need to take epinephrine, that will keep me up for a while too.  So, I laid there wondering what to do which is also a sign that my breathing difficulties were no worse than mild. Then, I c...

Some Decent Sleep

It is amazing what just a couple of nights of halfway decent sleep can do for one's emotional well-being! After our appointment with the Oncologist and putting that stressful waiting period behind us (awaiting test results which determine specific treatment)... and after arranging for counseling with an outstanding counselor specializing in cancer... and after arranging for insurance coverage for additional treatment to help with the side-effects of ten years of cancer treatment... Sheila managed to get a couple of nights of halfway decent sleep.   She still didn't sleep well and she is still understandably struggling with some anxiety but she managed to calm down enough to catch up on a little bit of sleep. This was enough to see a visible difference in Sheila's demeanor this morning.   That is great news! This evening we'll be making some Kansas City-style country ribs and homemade fries... That should help with both of our attitudes!

Some Pain and Changing Positions

After showering this morning, I came back to the bedroom to find Sheila propped up in bed and reading.  Considering the circumstances, it seems she is feeling quite well but not well enough to be frustrated by the inactivity. I'm not sure boredom has stepped in yet either because she is probably still catching up on much needed rest and sleep.  What I have noticed and understand all too well is her careful search and selection of different positions in order to find some comfort and less pain. Right now she is taking her first shower since before the surgery so I expect her pain to increase after this little bit of activity and pressure. Any movement, so far, has been quite painful and she is still moving quite slowly. As I mentioned in previous blog entries, the area where the surgeon removed a few lymph nodes hurts the most and this still holds true this morning.  All in all, however, I think she is doing quite well considering the past week and a half... and...

Heading Back Home After Surgery

Before a patient can be discharged from Post-Op Recovery, the patient must be able to effectively void their bladder on their own. Of course, they should also be able to get themselves to the bathroom without falling over to the floor and their vitals should be in a safe, healthy range. If everything checks out okay, then the patient can be discharged and sent home to continue recovery. One of the problems Sheila has had consistently in her previous two surgeries was bladder paralysis due to general anesthesia. Her team of doctors worked together to come up with a solution so Sheila would not again experience this excruciating problem again this time around. Both Sheila and I are very happy to report that her team of doctors succeeded in solving this problem this time around! When Sheila was able to effectively void her bladder on her own by mid-afternoon, we began our journey of checking out of Recovery and the hospital. Here, Whitney is wheeling Sheila out of Post-Op Recovery... ...

Health Isn't Recovering Much

After the holidays and including our annual trek to the largest train show in the US every January, my health is always in need of a few months of recovery. My health crashes to crazy lows and it requires months...  yes, months... of recovery. This is what can be expected whenever I push through a couple of months and, in the process, wear my body down far lower than it should ever be pushed.  We are at the end of March now and I'm still struggling with exceptionally poor health. My days consist of personal hygiene (which alone is oftentimes enough to sap me of whatever little energy I have and to knock me down for the day) and cooking meals for myself. That is about all my health can handle each day during these monotonous periods of lousy health.  On relatively "better" days (just one step above 'lousy'), I do get some physical therapy accomplished first thing in the morning. My spine still needs daily physical therapy. I seem to be able to add this into my ...

Post Holiday Poor Health

Whenever I 'overdo' it, my health crashes into poor or miserable levels quite often delving into dangerous waters that causes a further deterioration of health which includes anaphylaxis. I've had some transient health issues on and off throughout the Christmas season but not anything classifying as 'dangerous'... until now.  Shortly after going to bed last night, my health crashed causing sudden anaphylaxis. My body responded to the drop in blood pressure as it should causing flushing and sudden palpitations. I was already in bed, however... already completely spent... now struggling with bigger issues... and, unfortunately, I never made it to my emergency medications.   I remember the sudden drop in energy levels... I remember instantly having difficulty keeping my eyes open... I had thought I was simply tired. In hindsight, I think these were signs of impending anaphylaxis. About an hour or two later, while still struggling with keeping my eyes open, I rememb...

Overwhelming Fatigue

I've been feeling a bit better the past few days as related to the lingering cold that Sheila and I have been struggling with since January. Now I am struggling with lingering fatigue... an oppressingly overwhelming fatigue which defies any accurate description. I slept for 11 hours last night... 10 hours a night has been the norm since this cold started in January. I've also been sleeping for 3-4 hours every afternoon... and, sometimes, I've been napping for upwards of 5 hours. That doesn't leave much time awake each day! I manage to get beyond breakfast each day... make my lunch... but then have no energy for cooking dinner. I rarely even have the energy to shower although I do shower on some days but must skip breakfast in order to save some energy so I can shower.   Energy management... everything is a trade-off. My body is rundown and I can't seem to accomplish much. Needless to say, I am quite bored and feel the need to accomplish something.  A fe...

Watching Out Over Me

It was a rough, uneventful and rather boring morning with my health problems (see my previous blog posts). Times like this always feel like periods of 'nothingness'.  I took some extra medications around lunchtime and then I ended up sleeping through the afternoon. When Sheila arrived home at 5pm, she noticed our resident cat sitting on our deck outside our front 15-lite glass door...  sitting in the rain...   watching through the glass at me lying on the couch...keeping a close eye on me through the glass. Whenever I get this type of attention from any cat, particularly this cat, it is a sign of exceptionally poor health... dangerously low levels of health.  Fortunately, I had medicated myself as best as I could...  well, I suppose I could have added a bit more medications... but, I'm awake now and feeling 'okay'. I'm not feeling 'good', but well enough to find something to eat for dinner.   I guess we had better do something about dinner befo...

A Warning From Our Resident Cat

My health has been pretty lousy this past week with various issues overlapping each day. Overall, I've been feeling worn out, weak, and just generally lousy. I've had problems intermittently with breathing, dizziness, stomach/gastro-intestinal, nausea, vision, bone pain, joint pain, spleen pain, cognitive function, bordering on anaphylaxis, and probably a few other things I have forgotten about right now. It has just been a rather lousy week. I laid down this afternoon for my daily two to four hour nap. Adam had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so we were all already camped out on the couch all day so I just napped on the couch while Sheila and Adam continued to watch television. Our neighbor's two cats spend much of their time every day at our place and today was no different. Before I fell asleep, I saw one of the cats pass back and forth outside. Since seeing the cats coming and going is something I see everyday, I didn't think much of it.  When I awoke from m...

Brutal Health

I was going to write that my health has been quite lousy the past week but, upon thinking about it more clearly in somewhat more stable and better health, my health really has been quite lousy for the past three or four months and quite brutal the past week. A good portion of the past week has been spent being nauseated and ill in the bathroom. I've had the usual breathing difficulties, vision problems, tremors, twitching and some relatively minor signs of impending anaphylaxis but mostly have been struggling with lower gastrointestinal issues this past week. I never even wandered farther than about 30 feet of the bathroom for a few days! Now that my health seems a bit more stable, I am dealing with the usual post-episode bone and joint pain. My long bones... mostly my leg bones... and my spine are inflamed. My joints scream whenever I put any weight on my feet. To say I am "uncomfortable" is a bit of an understatement. That being said, I think my mood only soured eno...

Anaphylaxis In My Sleep... Yet Again

As I opened my eyes first thing this morning, I was having difficulty breathing.  I couldn't catch my breath.  I would suck in lungfuls of air but it may as well have been water. I felt as though I was trying to breath oxygenless air in the vacuum of deep space.  I sucked air deep into my lungs... nothing... the air just went in and out and I still needed air. It was like the air had no oxygen in it... or like I had the wind knocked out of me after being slammed to the ground while playing hockey or basketball.     I also was having difficulty finding the energy to wake myself up enough to get up out of bed. I felt as though I went to bed completely exhausted, fell asleep, and now someone was trying to awaken me just a few minutes after falling asleep. This wasn't just trying to wake up. No, this was weakness like I had no control over my own body. This is something with which I am far too familiar... I quickly realized that this is bad news... bad, bad, b...

Productive Day

Today was a relatively productive day for a nice change!  I'm a little more optimistic that I can finish this fireplace project before the end of the weekend.  That will leave us a day or two to decorate for Christmas and wrap presents...  hmmm...  presents...  I might need to buy some of those soon... The new aspen and maple paneling in the living room is now stained and I have applied three coats of a satin polyurethane.  Ideally, it could really use another two or three coats of poly but the wood grain is filled in enough and sealed enough to make it through the next month or so. Besides, I just might add a coat or two while I am applying poly to the fireplace and shelving unit. That would finish the walls completely. In the meantime, it is looking great tonight! The house is a mess with construction materials all over the place but those new walls look nice! Tomorrow I plan to start cutting the latest batch of finish lumber for the fireplace, mantle...