Overwhelming Fatigue

I've been feeling a bit better the past few days as related to the lingering cold that Sheila and I have been struggling with since January. Now I am struggling with lingering fatigue... an oppressingly overwhelming fatigue which defies any accurate description.

I slept for 11 hours last night... 10 hours a night has been the norm since this cold started in January. I've also been sleeping for 3-4 hours every afternoon... and, sometimes, I've been napping for upwards of 5 hours. That doesn't leave much time awake each day!

I manage to get beyond breakfast each day... make my lunch... but then have no energy for cooking dinner. I rarely even have the energy to shower although I do shower on some days but must skip breakfast in order to save some energy so I can shower.  

Energy management... everything is a trade-off.

My body is rundown and I can't seem to accomplish much. Needless to say, I am quite bored and feel the need to accomplish something. 

A few days ago, I was able to sit at the kitchen window to shoot photos of some birds outside. That just might be the only thing I've accomplished since January. I've been shooting photos in my dreams... which is nice... but it is not the same as the real thing. 

Anyway... I'm overwhelmingly fatigued... and I'm tired of it...
