Window Shopping on Fifth Avenue
This blog entry consists mostly of photos of windows we saw on Fifth Avenue. We did some window shopping, however, I should mention that we did quite a bit of shopping in quite a few stores on Fifth Avenue during our stay in Manhattan too. I'll cover our disappointments in another blog entry but I have to add a bit about our disappointments here in this blog entry since window shopping, in general, is something that left us quite disappointed during this trip thanks to Sak's Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor. (Plus, I'm still a bit bitter about being infected with COVID yet again due to this trip so I'm left with a lot of bad feelings about this trip... a lot of bad, bitter feelings.) First, Lord & Taylor is now gone so their windows and Christmas decorations were sorely missed. Their Christmas window displays were always among the best on Fifth Avenue. Sak's Fifth Avenue also used to be among the best but, this year, Sak's seems to have given u...