A Late Birthday

The original plan was to celebrate Sheila's birthday on the night of her actual birthdate. Liza and the grandkids would come over... cake and presents... have some cake... and a little celebration. Plans were changed and her birthday ended up being a bit different. Whitney went into labor on the afternoon of Sheila's birthday and was headed to the hospital as Sheila was leaving work. So, Sheila's little birthday celebration was delayed while Sheila headed to the hospital to greet her newest granddaughter on their unexpected shared birthday. A couple of days later, Liza, Lukey and Kenzie arrived at the house to celebrate Gee's birthday. Sheila and I had already eaten most of the chocolate raspberry cake that we had cut into a few nights earlier so we had brownies this night... brownies... candles... some presents... cards... and we got to spend a little bit of time with Liza, Lukey and Kenzie for a late birthday celebration! Since Sheila's latest fight with can...