Some Little Details

About a week ago, little Miss Mackenzie called us on the telephone. She does this fairly often and her calls are usually to just say hello or tell us about something she had just accomplished. A week ago, however, was a little different. She asked Gee if Papa was there... Gee told her "yes"... Kenzie then asked, "How is my dollhouse?" Gee was a little confused and didn't know where this line of questioning was headed but cautiously replied, "Your dollhouse is fine, why?" Kenzie then asked about the wreath and whether it was hanging on the front door of her dollhouse yet. In the end, she told Gee, "Tell Papa I want the wreath on the door the next time I come over!" It was a bit funny but, truth be told, I don't let anyone tell me or order me to do something. If someone asks me to do something for them, I will do it. If someone thanks me for doing that favor, I will jump at any request in the future but nobody gets to order me...