Pet Early Warning System
I've mentioned many times before that pets often help me out with my health. They seem to have this ability to sense energy levels... or lack of energy levels. Whenever my health is about to crash, these neighborhood pets tend to come toward me and start nudging me with whimpers and meows... looking at me... nudging me... following me wherever I go. When I see this type of behavior, I am quick to grab my emergency medication and start sorting out a new game plan with my medications because history has proven that these cats and dogs are exceptionally accurate at knowing about my health and warning me as though they are an early warning system. As I mentioned above, I believe it is our energy levels that they are sensitive to and to which they respond. These pets come and go over time (as our neighbors come and go) but I always seem to have at least one resident pet at any time who looks out for me. Lately it has been this blue-eyed, long-haired cat who keeps clos...