Call of the Loons
As many of you have seen in my photographs, Lake Groton is a beautiful place... serene and peaceful at times... yet, like a big playground sounding more like a crowded beach at other times. What I cannot convey in my photographs, however, is how Lake Groton sounds. I was sitting at my desk which is in a corner of the living room facing out two walls of windows overlooking the lake. The sun was beginning to set... the temperature was dropping... the lake was calm and reflecting the colorful sky... the fish, as far as the eye could see, were beginning to jump in their attempts to gobble up insects on the surface of the water... if you looked high in the sky, it was almost nighttime and dark... as the eye approached the horizon, the colors changed from deep blue to bright orange to bright yellow... and you could hear the distinctive haunting echoes of loon calls all around the lake. My desk was home to my netbook which is wher...