
Showing posts from February 11, 2024

Lens Tripod Mount

I've been using an old Olympus telephoto lens on my Panasonic Micro Four Thirds camera bodies for wildlife photography.  Well, I also use my Sony camera bodies at times but I'm lacking fast-focusing long lenses for my Sony bodies so I lean toward the micro four thirds bodies for this purpose.  These micro four thirds cameras and lenses are indeed "micro" sized and that is one of the major reasons I have this Panasonic gear.  Relatively small and lightweight is a very good thing when it comes to my extensive spinal injuries. I've used this long Olympus telephoto lens quite often when in my kayak shooting loons, ducks, hawks and eagles but this old lens is just a little too large and a little too long for easy handholding for such a fast moving type of photography.   Of course, when I'm sitting in a small kayak, I don't have much of a choice but to handhold this lens.  It is a challenge to keep such a long lens trained on my subject especially when in a roll...


I've never been one to be a follower.  I definitely will not follow the masses in purchasing popular products by inexplicably popular manufacturers.  I am no lemming, I am no blind follower.  As such, for this reason as well as others, I'll never promote anything made by Canon, Nikon, (cr)Apple, Tesla/Musk (jeez...  I don't even like writing these two names), or similar manufacturers just to name a few that come to mind first.   (I have to point out that my negative feelings and opinions of Musk go far deeper than simply not following the masses after decades of giving lectures on the evils of this lying, dishonest, rapist of our Earth...  and it is a topic I have beaten to death in professional lectures touching upon, unfortunately, only deaf ears.  In time, unfortunately when it is too late, people will understand what I had been warning about decades earlier.)  I don't just blindly dislike these manufacturers.  I do research these man...

Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day so I stopped to pick up a dozen roses, some candy and a card for Sheila as I was driving back home from another medical appointment.  Sheila seemed to be pleasantly surprised by the gifts when I arrived home.   My health has been so lousy with COVID since before Christmas that we sort of skipped Christmas, our anniversary, New Year's, and even a long weekend out of town with friends.  It has been a period of nothingness, overwhelming fatigue, pain and lousy health.   I had a medical appointment this morning while Sheila worked from home which provided me with an ideal opportunity to get a few things to show my love and appreciation for Sheila.  As I said, I believe she was pleasantly surprised and thankful! My health...  uggg...  COVID is a miserable, debilitating and highly contagious virus and, at this point, I seriously wonder whether I will ever get in front of it.  It has been over a year now of being well ...