Revisiting A Few Excursions
I've been laid up for the past two weeks. Actually, the past few months have been pretty lousy but the past two weeks have been significantly more limiting. I've needed a cane to get around and I've needed to be off my feet unless absolutely necessary. I have a medical appointment early next week so, until then, there has been a bit of a shift in my activities. I've watched a lot of movies over the past two weeks... done some reading... I did a lot of research online... I wrote some additional to-do lists (like my current to-do lists weren't long enough)... and I fiddled around with my photography gear with time at the lake in mind. I even spent some time at the piano everyday which, I must admit, is a rarity. Since most of the past two weeks have been spent on the couch, I've had a chance to scroll through thousands of my old photos. Tonight, I'm sharing a few photos from 2009 and 2010. Back during this period, I was shooting photos with a Fujifilm...