
Showing posts with the label train set

Another Rough Health Week

For the most part, this has been another rough week with some lousy health. I had health issues over the weekend starting with being borderline anaphylaxic... then numerous other symptoms and problems in the following days... then, last night, the nausea hit levels which are difficult to keep in check without puking.  Through all of this, I am left exhausted. This little cellular war being waged inside my body wears me out more than I could effectively express so I'm not even going to try right now. Whenever the symptoms have subsided a bit and I can think fairly clearly, I've been scribbling plans for a few things I intend to build.  First, I came up with a plan to build two small wood step stools for the kids to reach the sinks in each bathroom. This little project is long overdue. We've wasted years searching stores for a little stool which does not exist in Vermont. I'll build it instead.  Next up... now that we have room in a spare bedroom, I have moved Luke...

A Productive Few Hours of Artistic Fun!

I've had a few hours of productivity spread out over the past few days  (this stuff does take its toll on my spine so I only do things like this in short spurts)  and it reminded me of how much I truly enjoy accomplishing artistic and creative things like this project. It has been fun! I really should do this more often.  It is time for lunch... past time, actually... so that is all I will accomplish on this project until tonight perhaps. Next up is some lunch, a shower and a long nap! When I head back to this project tonight or over the weekend, it will be time to add some smaller details and some additional vegetation. It's looking good at this point though and I'm enjoying building it!  It makes me wonder why I don't do stuff like this more often... Oh yeah... we don't have the room just yet!  It really has been an outstanding day!

On To Next Christmas Present

(If any of Lukey's or Kenzie's older cousins are reading this blog... please don't tell them what they are getting for Christmas!) Now that Kenzie's dollhouse is finished...  "finished" meaning finished enough for Christmas...  I'll add more details and more things to play with for future presents... now I am focused on Lukey's Christmas present.  Lukey's present will be a set of trains with some basic scenery. I came up with a plan which would make it large enough for any kids in the 3-5 year old range (actually, it would seem very big to kids this age) yet small enough to easily store in our storage shed or a spare room.   A bit over a year ago, I picked up a "metal train" series of cars and a diesel locomotive which is made specifically for children. The metal cars and locomotive make them a bit more sturdy for young, fumbling hands. The company that manufactured this "metal train" series was going out of business and...