Inflammation and Pain

I've really been neglecting this blog in recent months. Between lousy health for the past year and us staying inside our home every day for the past year, there really hasn't been much to write about during this period. I last wrote about inflammation of my spine due to having to stop my anti-inflammatory medication. (I was having some internal bleeding.) The resulting inflammation in my spine and joints is now about as bad as it can get. It is interrupting my sleep and making it difficult to just get around the house. The other night, I sort of turned my left ankle. I say 'sort of' because, as I was sitting at my desk, I was resting my right foot on top of my left foot while the top of my left foot was positioned so it can rest on the floor under the weight of my right foot. About an hour into sitting this way, I realized that my left ankle would probably get inflamed so I stopped sitting that way. In case you were wonde...