A Small Project Completed
I managed to finish building that doorway trellis at our backdoor that I started designing and building a few days ago. This little last minute project was built using mostly scrap lumber that was taking up space in our shed but I have to say that all this scrap lumber looks better at our backdoor cut and assembled this way! Of course, this trellis could use some plant growth but that won't happen this time of year. Regardless, it is a nice addition to our home. Little by little, over the past few months, I've been adding a few architectural details around the house. These little details make a tremendous difference in the appearance of the house and I'm liking the way things are coming together. It is almost time to start decorating the outside of the house for Christmas. I was hoping to get a jump on that before the arrival of snow but it looks as though we'll be awaking to snow tomorrow morning. I'm sure we'll still get a few more days of unseasonably...