A Message from Our Tree
Sometimes, if you listen carefully, it seems as though nature sends us clues. I had sketched some plans for a treehouse to be built next to the kids' playhouse. I had sketched a ladder going from the deck in front of the playhouse up to the treehouse next to the playhouse. I would store firewood and the snowblower underneath this treehouse. It really seemed like a good plan but, honestly, I keep wondering whether it is a good idea or not. I have so many other projects that need to get done around the house and the building season is short up here. Adding a treehouse to that long list sometimes seemed a bit too much especially considering my health also limits how much I can get done. Another reason I was questioning the wisdom of this project is because the grandkids have now moved from right down the road to about an hour away so their time here at Gee and Papa's house will probably be quite limited. Because of these reasons, ...