
Showing posts with the label nikon

A Finely Crafted Piece of Artistic Machinery

Move over Canon... move over Nikon... even Howard Stern had better watch out... there is a new 'King of all media' that goes by the name of Sony. Sony televisions... stunning (I should know, there is one in our living room). Sony video cameras... remarkably amazing as claimed by wedding videographers and cinematographers around the globe. Sony cameras... perhaps the most finely crafted piece of artistic machinery I have ever had the pleasure to hold and use... simply amazing.  Just look at this camera. It is rock solid yet operates like a fine precision watch. For me, this camera series is the leader of the pack of all cameras and is so finely crafted that it is like artistic engineering machinery. Even the well known Hasselblad has begun using Sony cameras rebadged as Hasselblad cameras! That is saying something! Move over Canon and Nikon... there is a new kid on the block who is making you look old, worn, tired, crotchety and unwilling to evolve further... and one of ...

The Beginning of the End for Nikon

As many of you know, I enjoy photography.  The arts, in general, can be a great tool for those struggling with chronic illness, chronic pain and/or incurable illnesses.  For me, photography provides a way to express myself and to be productive during a time when I can't seem to get anything right because I am struggling so frequently with health issues and associated debilitating symptoms.  Perhaps more importantly, it is also a way to distract myself from my health issues.  Needless to say, I enjoy the artistic and creative aspects of photography and I try to stay as active as my health will allow with this expressive hobby. Part of this hobby is knowing your tools.  Actually, 'knowing your tools' is a part of everything in life.  Not only must I understand my own tools completely, but I must also understand what is available to replace my tools when they break, wear out or just start acting finicky.   Currently, I use camera gear from multiple ma...