
Showing posts with the label hobby

Clean Bedroom

While the new bedroom is clean, I thought I should probably shoot a few photos... This new double bed sure does cover a lot of that beautiful new wood floor! I converted the bedroom door to a Dutch door... first, I marked where I needed additional hinges... I removed it from its hinges... I cut the door in half... since this is a hollow core door, I had to fill the now open ends with solid wood... added a little shelf to the lower half... added some decorative trim to match the rest of the house... painted it Colonial Red (a primer plus three top coats)... routed out for the new hinges... installed the new hinges... hung the new door... added Dutch door hardware to lock the bottom half to the top half... and, it is beautiful... This bedroom is the future location of my hobby room which will be mostly model railroading stuff with a workbench/desk. The room has been designed in an old train station style with quite a few train station details.  One such detail is the doo...

A Room for Adam's Visit

Adam will be arriving for a relatively short visit from somewhere on the opposite side of our planet in the next few days so it has been a very busy couple of weeks around the house.  As the regular readers of this blog already know, we moved our master bedroom to Adam's old bedroom when he left for the Air Force. I tore that bedroom apart... aired it out for months... and rebuilt it completely to include a rebuilt closet, rebuilt shelving and desk, new flooring and a new wood plank ceiling. This bedroom has been exceptionally comfortable for Sheila and me! This heavy laminate wood flooring has a vapor barrier already adhered to the bottom of each plank so we were able to install this directly on top of the subflooring. The original, long term plan was to turn our old bedroom into a room for me to keep all my models... mostly trains... and to create a space which would be better suited for building and working on models rather than our kitchen table. This project, however...

Thoughts of Upcoming Train Show

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, my health has been a bit lousy since my medical appointment earlier in the week. As a result, not much has been accomplished around the house other than making meals and cleaning myself up. It is during these quiet times when I have a little time to take notice of things I normally don't have the energy nor time to notice. This afternoon I decided to check my blog statistics to see how many people are viewing my blog, where these people are located, which pages they visit, which blog entries they read and how they found my blog. This is something I try to do at least once a week. The results are often interesting. More often than not, most of the people reading my blog are those researching chronic illness and my illness, Systemic Mastocytosis. Sometimes, however, a different blog entry will capture some attention and the tide of visitors shifts. This time of year usually finds traffic from a different source when compared to the rest of...