More Progress on Telescope Pier
I've had a couple of busy days. I started off yesterday by doing some woodworking. I needed to make the wood top to the telescope pier. This wood top will then be topped with an all metal universal adapter which still needs some machining. Yesterday was all woodworking though. I started working in the kitchen on the kitchen table since the drill press was already inside the house and I didn't want to risk inflaming my spinal injuries by carrying the heavy drill press outside if I didn't need to do so. The kitchen table is a nice height for working so I placed some newspaper down on the table to protect it and then placed the drill press on top of the table. This project quickly proved to be too messy to continue in the kitchen so I reluctantly moved everything out to the backyard. I had a series of holes to drill in two pre-cut pieces of poplar. In the end, I needed four slots in each board... larger slots ...