Spinal/Biopsy Pain
A t 6:30 this morning, I got up for the third time to use the bathroom... which itself is becoming more and more common as I get older... but what was a bit unusual this morning is that I ended up in excruciating pain as a crumpled mess on the bathroom floor. Getting up out of bed was extremely painful so I knew I was in for a rough morning at least for a short while. I certainly wasn't expecting what happened though. Getting out of bed was so painful this morning that I actually thought about grabbing my cane. I quickly dismissed that idea, I think, because if I had to wake up enough to remember where I left my cane or to go looking for my cane, I would not be going back to bed after using the bathroom. Too much thought would wake me enough that falling back asleep would be impossible. I actually have two canes now but I have no idea where my older cane is located at the moment. After carefully and painfully swinging my feet d...