Tree Fell On Neighbor's Roof

W e have a tall spruce tree in our yard that hasn't been doing too well in recent years. It was a beautiful tree up until about ten years ago when it developed some sort of disease. Now, every time we have a bit of wind, branches fall off this tree. Yesterday, I watched the top section of this tree break off in the wind and crash down with a big thud on our next door neighbor's roof! Most of the time, the falling branches have been no problem since we can always use firewood. Plus, the boughs can be used for making wreaths for Christmas. Yesterday, however, the top 12 feet of this tall spruce was blown off and it fell directly on our next door neighbor's roof! As you can see in this first photo, below, the top section of the tree is now missing. Also worth noting is how much the tree has thinned in recent years. There aren't many branches left on this tree! The top 12 feet of the tree fell right on our neighbor's house and then rolled off the ro...