Bryant Park During the Warm Months

A s mentioned in my previous blog entry, we visited Bryant Park with the kids twice now. This last time was just this past weekend during the warmer months so it didn't at all resemble the winter park with an ice rink like the last time we were at Bryant Park with Lukey and Kenzie. If we hadn't told the kids this was Bryant Park, they might not have recognized it in the warm weather! The park really does look a lot different in the summer months compared to the winter months. During the winter months, they jam-pack this park with a big ice rink, a locker and changing facility, a few different socializing areas, and close to a hundred small shops. When all the winter seasonal attractions are packed away for the summer, the park looks completely different. We quickly walked the few blocks from Grand Central Terminal to Bryant Park... Below, the Public Library is behind them as they try to get their bearings... Below is the back side of the Public Librar...