Infrared with Standard Cameras

F irst, I should probably write a few things about the tick bite that I got this past Thursday. Actually, I think it is past time for an update. The site of the bite hurts... all around the area hurts. The tick was latched onto the right side of my abdomen under my waistband and the pain radiating from that relatively tiny spot is felt past my groin to the left and down below my right hip on the right. I can also feel the pain deeper into my body at the site of the bite. It is sort of an ache... a mild burning ache... maybe not "burning" but a warm ache. When I got out of the shower today, I noticed I have about a two inch diameter pale white area around the red bite area. It is not a bullseye but it is an odd pale lack of skin coloring around the bite area. I'm not sure what this means, to be honest. (Note: After being out of the shower about an hour or so, that pale white area is no longer visible... s...