Good Weather, Finally... but, Lousy Health
It has been warm the past two days and today is looking to be a beautiful, sunny, warm spring day too. I had planned to utilize the good weather to start working on things outside where sawdust is not an issue. This week is looking good for that and I have a bunch of small projects that need to be accomplished. Actually, I've been waiting months to be able to pull out woodworking tools to accomplish a few things. Unfortunately, once again, my health is being a bit uncooperative. My ankle is still healing. Sheila and I wandered outside yesterday to take down wreaths and Christmas lights. I stepped up on the first step of a stepladder and quickly realized my ankle was still in no condition for climbing a short stepladder. I instantly fell off and onto unlevel snow on the ground. This hurt both of my ankles again setting me back a couple of days. I have no need for my cane now but getting around is still a bit painful and slow-goi...