Running on Empty

Like most days, I had a plan for this morning.  It was an extremely simple plan, but I had a plan... 

1.  Get up out of bed as soon as possible...

2.  Take my cocktail of morning medications...

3.  Start a load of laundry...

4.  Shower and shave...

5.  Get dressed...

6.  Eat something small so I don't stress my body unnecessarily and run out of energy any sooner than my health dictates...

7. Start the car and clean off the snow (Sheila cleaned off the snow this morning before heading to work so my car was good to go)...

8.  Drive to town to pick up a refill prescription (took the last pill last night)...

9.  If I still have more energy, then try to tackle a small project in the house (I still need to finish that fireplace project)...

Well...  I only managed to get to number five, "Get Dressed", before running completely out of energy.  So, here I sit, completely spent for the day simply by getting out of bed, starting a load of laundry, showering and shaving, and getting dressed.  I don't even have the energy to get undressed and into some sweats.

Five spoons.  That is all the energy I had for the day.  Each of those little tasks required a spoon, or more.  

Truth be told, driving to town to pick up a refill prescription probably would have required about three spoons...  driving...  walking to and from the car at the pharmacy... and driving back home. It wouldn't be the first time I ran out of spoons after driving someplace. When this happens, I find a place to rest or just nap in the car for a few hours.

I'll see if I can find the energy to post a couple of posts here on my blog today...  then again, simply getting this one short blog entry accomplished on a day like today is a major accomplishment...

For those of you with boundless energy today and seem to be bouncing off the walls with an abundance of pent-up energy, I have some advice for you... and perhaps a few choice words (he he)... Take advantage of that energy while you have it and accomplish something exceptional, outstanding and even profound.  That energy won't last forever. Use it and use it wisely.

Hmmm... okay... as I sit here with a 1000 yard stare, squinched eyes, and crinkled forehead, I'll refrain from sharing the few choice words which come to mind... grief, frustration and anger each require too many spoons and I have no spoons left today.  I'm simply running on empty...


  1. I wish I could will you some of my spoons! I love you!!!


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