
Showing posts with the label beers

Beers of the Train Show Weekend

M y health has deteriorated enough in recent years that I rarely even have one beer but, when we plan for some travel or a special occasion, I load up on extra medications in the previous week so I feel a bit better than usual for our trip or special occasion.  Our weekend out of town for the train show last weekend was one of those times that I spent the previous days pre-medicating and, fortunately, I felt well enough to have a few beers over the long weekend! Unlike the masses clamoring for overly hoppy, sudsy IPA swill, I go my own way when it comes to beer, just like for everything else.  I rarely move in mainstream lemming circles.  When it comes to beer, I prefer a pilsner that is on the smoother side.  For me, the best pilsner was Piel's...  that was an incredibly smooth beer!  Unfortunately, I haven't seen Piel's in many decades.  For me, the smoother the beer, the better.  Most pilsners aim to be crisp and dry but I don't care for those ...