Beers of the Train Show Weekend
My health has deteriorated enough in recent years that I rarely even have one beer but, when we plan for some travel or a special occasion, I load up on extra medications in the previous week so I feel a bit better than usual for our trip or special occasion. Our weekend out of town for the train show last weekend was one of those times that I spent the previous days pre-medicating and, fortunately, I felt well enough to have a few beers over the long weekend!
Unlike the masses clamoring for overly hoppy, sudsy IPA swill, I go my own way when it comes to beer, just like for everything else. I rarely move in mainstream lemming circles. When it comes to beer, I prefer a pilsner that is on the smoother side. For me, the best pilsner was Piel's... that was an incredibly smooth beer! Unfortunately, I haven't seen Piel's in many decades. For me, the smoother the beer, the better. Most pilsners aim to be crisp and dry but I don't care for those as they only tend to make me thirstier. I lean toward the smoother ones with fruity notes. Unfortunately, this always proves difficult to find but especially so today when overly hoppy IPA's rule the beer world.
I also like smooth and balanced porter beers but these are hard to find as well especially in these times of an ocean of IPAs... actually, IPAs remind me of that ocean sudsy stuff that forms on beaches every now and then... it looks just like the head on an IPA and, to me, probably tastes just as badly. Anyway, I will also choose a nice smooth porter whenever I come across one but they are hard to find.
This weekend out of town was a mixed bag of beer for me. When we went to Munich Haus for dinner (which is a German festhaus) I had a decent pilsner (seen below). This Radeberger wasn't ideal but it is mild enough and smooth enough that it would do.
On the positive side, there are so few beers that I find tolerable lately that I don't mind just drinking tea at home every night but I can still vividly imagine the taste of that smooth draft Piel's beer from many decades ago... that would be hard to resist even when I'm feeling lousy!
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