Another Funny Face
Kenzie was walking around sort of like an agitated Marty McFly and Doc Brown... pacing back and forth... away from me and then toward me... she was even talking to herself and using her hands. I have no idea what was running through her head nor to whom she was talking but I thought it would be a good time to try to get a photo of her from a distance. She was a bit animated and making funny faces as she was doing this pacing back and forth so I thought it would be a good idea to try to capture a photo. I had one of my wildlife setups in my hand at the time so it was not really the ideal camera for this but I thought I could capture a decent shot anyway. Kenzie walked away from me... I lifted my camera to my face, set focus for where she would be located when she turned to walk back toward me... she turned... funny face... click ... She sort of looks like she is snarling at me... perhaps this is her Clint Eastwood face... or, as Joey Tribbiani would say, "her smell-the-...