Another Miserable Day
For the most part, today was yet another rather miserable day. I thought I might get to writing more about our trip to Manhattan a few weeks ago but I'm feeling so lousy today that I opted to avoid writing about the trip. At the moment, due to getting this horrendous, lingering, debilitating virus during this trip, I have absolutely nothing good to write about this trip nor do I want to travel ever again so it is best that I do not put any of my current feelings into writing. This sentiment about travel will likely change... in time... perhaps a very long time... but, at the moment, this is how I feel. I slept most of the day, again, and I generally feel quite miserable. I had a little bit of energy after sleeping most of the morning but that only lasted about a half hour before I was feeling quite miserable again. In that half hour, I managed to fix my telephone line in the house and I wrote about that in a previous blog entry....