My New-To-Me Classic Digital Camera

I am still working on learning all I can about my new-to-me classic digital camera, the Fujifilm X30. Each day I'm learning a bit more... mostly good but I'm also finding its limitations. No matter the tool, you must always know that tool's limitations and cameras are no exception. Finding this camera's limitations is a good thing. I want to know its limitations. I've saved seven custom profiles that I might prefer in various situations and environments. I still need to get out to test these custom profiles but I now have a starting point for each. One of the things that makes Fujifilm cameras so desirable to many photographers is the amount of customization you can do to each shot. There is an uncharacteristically wide choice in choosing the perfect dynamic range, color, sharpness, shadows, highlights, noise reduction and white balance. This camera provides more control for shifting the white balance than any other camera I have ev...