Old Dog Learning New Tricks
Although I do have an extensive background in aerospace, aviation, astronomy, mathematics and physics, at this point in my life I need to dig into the recesses of my memory to remember what I once knew quite well. Additionally, there is a tremendous amount that is quite new in the fields of aerospace, aviation and astronomy so I've been trying to wrap my brain around all of this too. Right now, I'm feeling like an old dog trying to learn new tricks. As if I don't have enough hobbies... or enough things to get accomplished around the house... or enough medical appointments... or enough 'down days' due to poor health and being sick as a dog... I've stepped back into the fields of astronomy and aerospace. To be more specific, I am hoping to combine two of my interests... photography and astronomy... to capture beautiful photos of celestial objects that can't be seen with the naked eye. A lot has happened in the field of astrophotography in the past ten...