A Big Surprise for Lukey and Kenzie
W e usually start all the Christmas festivities immediately after the holiday I despise, Thanksgiving. There are one or two other holidays that bother me a bit but I truly despise Thanksgiving. I always make the best of that holiday anyway and, by the end of that long holiday weekend, all of our Christmas decorations are up and the tree is decorated. This year, however, Christmas came a little earlier. We started our Christmas gift-giving on Halloween night! Those who read this blog regularly probably already know that this year has been absolutely miserable when it comes to my health but I'll add a little background here anyway. This year started out with an ambulance ride to the hospital and I've had about a dozen visits since then for follow-ups and tests. I had a more extensive bone marrow biopsy not long after my ambulance ride to the hospital. Shortly after that biopsy, I fell on the biopsy site. We've had to cancel about a half doze...