Dual Birthday Celebration

W e celebrated two birthdays yesterday. Sheila and Ellie share the same birthday so Sheila took the day off from work so we could celebrate together. Ellie didn't know that we would be spending her birthday with her so Sheila, Will (Pop) and I surprised Ellie by showing up at Echo science and nature museum on the Burlington waterfront. Whitney simply told Ellie that they were going on a birthday adventure. When Ellie and Whitney walked into the museum, Ellie immediately saw us in the lobby and greeted us with a big smile on her face. Gee had previously purchased a "5th Birthday" tiara and a sash and it was gift-wrapped for Ellie to open when she arrived at the museum. Before we left the lobby, Ellie had opened this first gift and put on her tiara and sash. Everywhere we went, people wished Ellie a happy birthday and commented on her tiara! In this next photo, you can see that Ellie was pleasantly surprised by finding us waiting for h...