Spent the Night in the Hospital
L ast night was pretty brutal. Sheila and I were watching a Dayton basketball game on television and I started to experience breathing problems. I grabbed my inhaler and just assumed that a couple of uses of that would take care of the problem. It didn't. I used my inhaler again. That still didn't help and my health continued to spiral downward. I was feeling slightly dizzy and lightheaded very quickly. Then I started getting hot so I knew things were worsening and getting bad. My health deteriorated so quickly and severely that I moved to the living room floor right in front of the Christmas tree for two reasons... first, I was feeling like I might lose consciousness and I didn't want to fall over and hit something on the way down. I also felt like the thing to do was to counter the anaphylaxis by raising my feet higher than my head, keeping as much blood as possible in my head. I was hoping that between using epinephrin...